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Last Wednesday evening a couple of us were able to have a virtual face to face with Sen. Frentz and Rep. Frederick about the need for Skyline to get back into the 2023 Bonding Bill so money can be allocated for our upcoming and ongoing expenses with the tower, pump house and streets.
They were VERY receptive to introducing language to the bill on our behalf after we mentioned the money we have yet to spend in order to make our water tower work and our drinking water safe.
They were also very insistent that we need to show how these projects (or lack of completing them) DIRECTLY impacts our residents. So I am asking for you to send me any instances in the past few weeks, months, or years that show the need for funding. Have you experienced extremely low pressure, no water at all, frozen pipes because of the low pressure and other issues related to your water. Stories. timelines. Anything is helpful.
I am planning on taking what you give me and placing it in one document to support the language they introduce. To be completely transparent, I'll be using what you all send me as either bullet points or testimonial style quotes. Rather than many letters to our Senator and Representative I think one succinct letter would be better. Please let me know if you would like to remain anonymous but I would encourage you to let us put a face/name to our need.
Feel free to contact me if you want to discuss it any further (507.995.9026) and send your emails to [email protected]
They are planning on getting this on the agenda in the next week or 2 so moving quickly is very important. Thank you all!